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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Untruthful Core Beliefs part 1

Ok, here is where i give you the big reveal. This is why all addicts have issues. This is why all addicts, even though they've been shown or told a better way, usually go back to doing the same thing over and over again.
   I'll give an example. An addict friend texts me and says he's in a bad place, as in stressed, isolating, feeling anxious and angry. The perfect cocktail for looking at pornography and acting out, which he did.
   I ask, "why?"
   His response, "my wife had been annoyed with me lately because of the pain my addiction has brought upon her. She's been very different lately.
And i didn't get good sleep, and my kids were being very disruptive and bugging me."
   This is not the answer.
   It's funny because even when we claim to know our addiction is our choice, we still fall back on these outside sources as to the reasons why. As if those are the reason.
   If we only go off of those being the reasons, the best that we can accomplish is learning how to deal with the emotions that those situations bring up in us. It doesn't help us to not get those feelings in the first place. And what we need is to only get those feelings at the appropriate time.
   Ha. Maybe i should take a step back. First off, we need to learn what feelings are. I, as an addict, an emotionally retarded. Once i used my addiction as a way to cope, i did not learn how to deal with emotions and progress emotionally. So i have the emotional capability of a 10 year old. (If that, considering the life style i lived in) when my therapist asked how i felt about things and my first response would always be, "i don't know" and he'd laugh and say that was a typical addict response. Not because I'm trying to hide anything, but because i really don't know. I don't recognize what my feelings are or what they mean. My therapist actually printed out a paper with faces on it that showed different emotions and then had the list of those emotions under it. And it was my job to check my feelings every so often and distinguish what they were and why.
   So, going back to the things that set us off. Why?
   I'll give you my own for instance:
I'm at home, all our kids are home, my wife is home, and i feel like everything is out of control. My senses go all out of wack and i feel like my head is filling with static and voices. This is the "tell". This is when I'm going to turn into the hulk and destroy about four city blocks better i calm down.
   Why do i get this way? Is it because my kids were Was it because the house is a mess? Or because my wife isn't being as "friendly" as i want her to be?
   Am i really believing that outside circumstances are dominating my life? Well, that's actually impossible. So what makes me freak out? Is it really the kids, the house, or my wife? No. I freak out because of ME.
   Alot of times we end up excepting this, and then trying to deal with it when it happens. While this is good, it doesn't solve the problem. It's like trying not to use a broken leg. It might not hurt if we don't bump it or use it, but it's much more efficient to go get it set and fixed by a doctor. Because our broken leg WILL get bumped and we WILL have to use it.
    Trying to get rid of anger or anxiety or stress that triggers outbursts or acting out isn't right either. First off, that's impossible. Second, these feelings are imperative to our progression and eternal being. They are for our benefit. Anger is a good response for certain circumstances. Anger is brought up when we believe our lives are threatened or our liberties are being taken away. Fear is triggered when we believe we are going to end or feel pain.
   The problem is that we've programmed these feelings too be triggered at perceived threats, when those threats aren't actually there.
   Think about it. I get angry at my children literally because i perceive them as a threat to my life. Looking at the situation rationally i know my kids don't REALLY want to kill me. (At least not yet. Not till they're older anyway.) Or fear- will i really die if i tell my wife the truth and she divorces me? (i.e. didn't love me anymore). Well i really be miserable forever without her?
   So why do we do this? How did we program our brain to respond so irrationally?
Our Flight Or Fight Response (or FOFR for short) is an amazing thing. Whenever we perceive threats (real or imagined because our subconscious does not distinguish between real and make believe) our FOFR kicks in to try and save our life. Do we run or fight? Running doesn't have to be literally running away. It can mean we shut down, we isolate, we don't speak. We avoid. We lie. Or we fight. Get defensive. Physically/verbally/mentally attack. Throw blame. Yell.
   So then...when did we program our brain? How is our FOFR perceiving unrealistic threats?
   I do not remember the specific dates, but we program our brain from ages 1-7 or 2-7. This is when you take in the world and process information. Stove is hot, ice is cold, food makes hunger go away, consequences to actions, etc.
   This is also when the child is taught about trusting, love, fear, and danger.
  Our FOFR is programmed from these first experiences. This is when we first had traumatic experiences and our brains essentially says, "this hurt me. I do not EVER want this to happen again!" And sets up a FOFR to help us get it of a painful event.
    So, an experience from my early childhood: one night (i was around 4 or 5 at the time) i told my mom no. My dad slapped me across the face and said through gritted teeth, "don't you ever tell your mom no!"
   My brain exploded with sensory input and chemicals and said, "i don't want this to ever happen again. This really hurts, i feel Seperated from my main sources of love, i need to buy key this ever happen again."
   So, not only did i never say no to my mom because of fear, i didn't say no to ALOT of people and circumstances because i was afraid of getting hurt. My way around saying no? Lying and deceiving.
   What else did i learn? When my dad grits his teeth the likelyhood of me getting hurt goes up dramatically. i.e. i am unsafe in these situations and must withdraw from reality. I must isolate to feel safe. And i learned that every time MY kids sat no to my wife, i want to react just how i was taught.
   The sad thing about programming our FOFR so young is that we don't have the life experience or wisdom to interpret the situation correctly. So our memory develops into (drum roll) UNTRUTHFUL CORE BELIEFS!
   For example. Most of my life I've grown up believing that my mom didn't hate me, she just didn't care at all. She didn't talk, she didn't express feelings, she avoided confrontation. I took this to mean: I'm not good enough. I'm not worth it. I'm not worthy of love, i must be doing something wrong.(These are probably the most HUGE negative untruthful beliefs i have.)
   What is the reality? My mom grew up in a very mentally, verbally, and physically abusive home. Thus she never learned how to express or show emotions except to her animals. She didn't know how to trust either. And i didn't learn until about a year ago that she loves me VERY much! She just doesn't know how to show it. She's never learned and feels uncomfortable trying so when she does try, it comes off feeling fake and awkward.         But as a 5 year old i didn't know this. So i programmed myself to believe that i was a failure and unworthy of love.
   How does that effect me? I sought self gratification through fantasies, porn, and masturbation to make me feel loved and if worth.

The FOFR is triggered in any stressful or anxious circumstance. Because the subconscious does not see a difference in reality or fantasy, and because it has all our memories stored, when we get stressed, anxious, afraid, it recalls the memories that mimic the present situation the most.
   Another thing the subconscious doesn't differentiate is time. Memories aren't things of the "past" but at the moment they are recalled as if they were being lived through for the first time when the traumatic experience first happened. Thus in some situations we find ourselves reacting to certain situations as if we were a child. The reason, because the FOFR shuts down the cognitive brain to "save" you. So in those moment when you react like a child, it's because you WERE a child.
   Here's an example: (this is true, but some of the details and names have been changed or left out so that this doesn't turn into a book)
Sally is a business woman who works on walstreet...(wallstreet?) She is one of the best in her field, but for so many years she's failed to get the promotion she's always wanted. She is usually worthy of the promotion, but once the time told around to get promoted, she does something on accident or on purpose to miss out on that promotion.

Why? Why would she self-sabotage herself? (Wait, did i just say that twice in 2 different ways?) Why does she sabotage herself to not get the promotion even though she's the best one and most qualified for it?
    Well, she decided to see a certified therapist. She found out that she had the untruthful core belief that she wasn't good enough. She even told her therapist that she didn't know why, because by killing at factual evidence she really did deserve that promotion.
   Come to find out Sally had a memory of when she was five. Her mom and sister were walking with her in the park and her mom bought her sister a popsicle and not her. Thus, her young inexperienced mind tried to find out why, and what it came up with was, "i must not be a good person. I must not be worthy of the popsicle. (Or my heart's desire)." So every time she reached for something she really really wanted in her life, she always sabotaged that effort because the traumatic experience of her youth taught her that arriving for something and not getting it was too painful to bare a second time. Thus she would make herself fail on purpose.
   Was it her mom's fault? No. Did her mom know she hurt her so badly? Probably not. Is it my parents fault that i am an addict? No. Their fault was in not providing what needed provided, but not on my actions of taking what wasn't provided and trying to provide it for myself. My addiction is my own fault. I was definitely predisposed, but i turned it from a high possibility to a definite fact.
    So when i want to turn into the hulk when my kids are loco and my wife isn't giving me the attention or help i want and i get mad at them, i need to splash cold water on my face, take deep breaths, acknowledge that the problem is with me. My FOFR kicks in because why? Because i don't feel safe. Is that their fault or mine? Mine. Why don't i feel safe? Because my wife is taking their side, saying i need to relax instead of them. Why did that give me stress and hurt? Because i feel like I'm being disapproved of, because I'm feeling rejected. But why am i feeling that way? Because i am living in memories and present all as if they were happening at once, reliving the other billion times i felt rejected by wife, people, girlfriends, and finally, those first experiences with mom and dad. Where that untruthful core belief resides and keeps telling me, "I'm not worth it. I'm always wrong. I'm a disappointment. I am unworthy of love."
   These core beliefs govern our lives. They are the glass through which we see reality, and that glass is tinted and it is dirty. If we have any hope in recovery, it is through changing these core beliefs. Only then are we truly liberated from self destruction.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Is Everything Gray or Black and White?

Can I just say something real quick? This wont take long. (well, who knows, it could.) But I am really sick of people stating that things aren't black and white. I've heard some people talk, I've read some blogs, and I've almost gotten into a debate with some guy who was somehow trying to tell me that masturbating sometimes can be okay, its not always black and white. All of these are members of the church by the way.
   And I guess I'm just kind of baffled by this. Addiction isn't black and white? Certain things in an addict's life are a gray area? God's ways are a gray area? WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
   I have LIVED MY LIFE in that gray area. Or wait, let me restate. I have LIVED MY LIFE believing there was a gray area. As an addict I want to believe everything is gray. 
   "Well, I was having a sex dream...soooo...its okay to finish..."
   "Man my day has been sooooo stressful, this is really helping me..."
   "This will all go away after I'm married..."
   "If I take photos/videos of my wife, or THINK about my wife while masturbating, its okay..."
   "I feel like the spirit says its okay to masturbate because..."
   "I looked at porn and masturbated, but its been SOOO long since I did it the last time, and I don't plan on doing it again, so I don't need to tell my wife/bishop/sponsor..."
   "Its okay if I slip if I learn something from it..."
   Gray areas...I believe gray areas are fabrications we make to get away with something we know is wrong. 
   "Well he didn't specify that masturbation is wrong in every must be one of those instances..."
    I was talking with a kid once who was getting ready to go on a mission, he said he had a problem with pornography and masturbation and was wondering if he needed to tell his bishop and get things straightened out before he goes. I basically said, HELL YES.
   People didn't like that. I was told by someone that if everyone decided to stay home from their mission because they had a masturbation problem then no one would go on missions. My response. GOOD. At least they were willing to be honest and get help. In fact, I think it's safe to say that God would rather you be honest with yourself and stay home and get help and then see if you want to go on a mission, rather than go on one and have loads of regret later. 
    Someone wanted to know if masturbating to pictures of their wife was a sin or not. Hahaha. I said yes. Others said it depends. Others said it was a gray area. Like Nephi killing Laban. I think they were trying to equate killing Laban to murder, which are two different things entirely. 
    I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble. But there really isn't a gray area. God is very straight forward, God is very black and white. If you sin you are damned. If you follow the precepts and commandments of God perfectly, you are saved. 
   I can already see what will happen if I say this in Priesthood. There would be an uproar as people try to clarify. But that is the ultimate clarity. God cannot allow sin in the LEAST degree. He doesn't say that little sins are okay. He doesn't say that if there's no other way and you feel like you HAVE to sin, its okay. He says NO SIN. NONE. ZERO. 
  But...what...what if you are starving, and your family is starving, and so you steal food. That's okay. Right?
  No. I'm sure that in some aspects of it, Christ will take your sin upon himself, but it's still a sin. 
  God knows that we love to believe in gray areas. That's why he gave us 10 definite commandments to start off with, and then continues to give us more to build off of. 
   But we know for certain that God said there is NO ALLOWANCE for sin and that ALL SIN COMES WITH A PUNISHMENT AFFIXED. These are rules that even God can't get around. Sin is sin and there is a price affixed to every sin.
   What does that mean for us the sinners? That we are damned, but saved ONLY on the merits of Jesus Christ. What does that mean? We know that the sin MUST BE PAID FOR. God can't wave the fee. When He talks about blotting out our sins in the big book, he isn't erasing them from existence. He is TRANSFERRING the sin to someone else. The price MUST be paid. There is no way around it. So if we do our best in the repentance process and stop doing the sin that we are doing, what happens to that price? Christ pays that price. 
   I don't know what a "normal" person can do. I stopped being normal before I knew how to write.  I'm an addict and so I can only say what I know about being an addict. For us, the addicted, the more "gray" areas we believe are in our lives, the worse off we'll be.
   The Anti-Nephi-Lehis were great at understanding this. They knew even to get out of the gray areas. Sure, they could have KEPT their swords, their weapons of war. They could have used them to cut their fields, chop wood, etc. They could have kept the metal around long enough to melt them down and form them into something else. But they knew one thing that I as an addict still struggle with, Life is a lot easier when you live in black and white. It might seem like it sucks, but addicts NEED routine, stability, rules. These people KNEW that there might be even the SLIGHTEST most TINIEST desire to pick up that sword and hurt someone. That even using that sword as a tool for cutting wood or whatever would REMIND them of their addiction to blood lust. That even shaping it into a new completely harmless tool, would still trigger their minds to how things WERE. 
   So they completely got rid of them. End of story. What does that mean for me as an addict to lust and pornography? What are my weapons? Well, I've seen a lot of bad stuff on tv. I've acted out to a lot of bad stuff on tv. Now my tv is password protected. There are I believe only 4 tv channels that are not locked on my tv. And 3 of those are the disney channels, the 4th is the BYU channel. Not only that, but its password protected for shows TV-7Y and up. So yeah, I'm stuck with Doc McStuffins and Sophia the first, Micky Mouse Club house (I hate that show so much) and my all time favorite Disney Channel show, Octonauts. So I can only watch normal tv when my wife is home and around. Does it suck? OH MY GOSH. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW BAD IT SUCKS. Especially when my wife is gone with her friends or out of town, and all I have to watch is disney cartoons or byu. (oh wait, we do have that baby first channel unlocked). Do I sometimes want to shoot myself. Yes. But is it worth it. YES. YES. YES. YES. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to have free reign over the tv. We thought just blocking rated R shows and above would be enough in the past, but then I relapsed to infomercials and lame stuff. So no, I can't handle that. 
   I don't have an ipad. Our home computer is locked and I can't get on it unless my wife is with me. I cannot access the internet or 99% of the apps on my phone. I do not have an xbox. Why? Because I can't handle them. I love art, but do I have art books in my home that show provocative  material, even greek statues? no, because I can't trust myself. Does it suck. Yeah it can. But how do I feel about myself. OOOOOh man I feel so free in some ways. 
   Am I saying all of you should do this? Heck I don't know. Am I trying to brag? No, i'm trying to tell you I am so far into my addiction that I'll act out on INFOMERCIALS AND ANCIENT GREEK STATUES! That's how messed up my head is.
   Now I can only try and base working toward recovery based off of what others have done that works. The Anti-Nephi-Lehis had to give up opportunity to reestablish a correct perception of agency. They had to eliminate the gray areas. Would defending their families a sin? No, but the chance that fighting could affect them negatively was there. even if it was a sliver. Even after their change of heart. 
   I don't know about "normal" people. Maybe they can masturbate and feel like God thinks its okay. Maybe they can not mention it to their bishop or their wives. I don't know. but I do know, for an addict. There are no gray areas. There can be no gray areas. Would having an ipad be beneficial for my family and children? Help them learn and play, absolutely. But its not worth it here. 
   Sin is sin. The price you have to pay might be big or small, but all sin keeps us away from God's presence. 
   God doesn't say its okay to sin sometimes. He doesn't say that sometimes self sexual gratification is good, depending on the circumstance. He says no. Addicts can't trust their own thinking. Why? Because we will talk us into acting out EVERY TIME. Our brains are broken after all.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Great Expectations; Great Resentments

For some reason, being an addict helps me have great expectations. I don't know why because my expectations are always ridiculously high. I had a sponsor tell me that "expectations are just resentments in disguise." Or something like that.
   It's so true.
   I know alot of it comes from the fact that I'm an addict, and one thing addiction does really well is distort reality.
   I read in "out of the Shadows" by Patrick Carnes about a high up city official that was a sex addict. One night on the way home he stopped at a red light. He looked over at the lady in the car next to him just as she looked over at him. They smiled, a bit embarrassed, and looked forward again.
   This guy was a little happier. She'd smiled at him. Maybe she liked him. The light turned green and they drive on, only to hit another red light, where they again looked at each other and laughed. This time he was sure she liked him. Why else was she driving at the same speed as him?
   They drove on, still around the same speed, when he thought maybe she wanted him to follow her. She sped up and got in front of him and he was sure to stay behind her. She pulled over and gestured him forward. He pulled over and started to get out when she drove on.
   The man "realized" she had been signaling him to follow her, so he did. He started thinking about where she was taking him. Was it to a hotel? Was it her place?
   Finally she pulled over next to a building and jumped out and started running up the steps. He thought she probably didn't want anyone to see them together, that's why she was hurrying.
   When he got out of his car and looked up at the building, he realized it was a police station! She hadn't been trying to get him to follow her, she'd been scared out of her mind and felt in danger.
   This is one of the things pornography does to us. Living in fantasy distorts reality. It also gives us expectations of what life and everything else should do for us, including our wives.
   Now pornography isn't the only thing. Religion played a big part in how i thought my wife should be. So did watching too many romance movies. (Why did i watch romance movies? Because girls liked romance movies and i thought that they'd think i was sooo cute for watching them...yeah...expectations.)
   I've had lots of resentment towards my wife. I've had lots of resentment towards my dad, mom, family, strangers, bosses, co-workers, etc. I would just start getting angry at everyone. (Still do sometimes! I haven't conquered this.)
   Took me long enough and some therapy to realize that my great expectations were indeed just resentments in the making. Why? Because NOTHING EVER LIVES UP TO FANTASY. Why? Because it's FANTASY! i.e. NOT REAL.
  One day my therapist told me to list some of my wife's (mrs. Mouse) characteristics. Good and bad. I said this like:
attention to detail
inquisitive (this was good and bad haha)
always late
selfish, spiritual
exclusive of her feelings
(Remember I'm am addict. In reality my wife can be completely different.)
   Then he asked, "give me the characteristics of what a wife SHOULD be like to you."
   This was alot easier. Hadn't i been daydreaming about this most of my life? My list looked similar to this:
Great sense of humor
    And then he asked, "which one of these is reality? Mrs. Mouse or your expectations?"
   Well if course it was Mrs. Mouse. That was the problem! Then he asked, "I'm not saying mrs. Mouse didn't have character flaws to change, but who is really to blame when you feel resentful when mrs. Mouse didn't act like your expectations of your perfect wife?"
   It was a good slap in the face.
   You see, my resentments had grown and grown because my wife wasn't living up to my great expectations. She was mrs. Mouse, not fantasy mrs. Mouse. She would NEVER be fantasy mrs. Mouse. Why? Because fantasy mrs. Mouse wasn't real.
   So these times i came home, for some reason thinking that my wife could keep the house clean with 4 kids under the age of 8, and have dinner ready and the clothes washed, and be in happy romantic spirits, was unrealistic? Was i preparing to spend an evening with my "dream" wife, and Mrs. Mouse shower up instead?
   Yes, and in return i would punish my REAL wife with depression, resentment, silence, anger, and frustration. Why? Because she ruined the happy fantasy land i wanted to be in when she didn't act how i EXPECTED her to act.
   I am the one ruining my own life. No one can ruin it for me.
   So when i begin to feel resentment with my wife, or children, or family, or even friends, i have to stop and think, "okay, who or what an i expecting to take place? Am i expecting my daydream or reality? Kids aren't quite and they don't always listen and they always interrupt when I'm wanting to do something for myself. They don't vanish into nonexistence until i want to give them attention. My wife in reality; has her own personality and hobbies and things she likes to do and things she has to do. She isn't the fake imagining of my heart that is completely devoted to me and nothing else.
   And what am i expecting of myself? What is the reality of me? And i patient, kind, and loving? A great husband and great father? No. I'm impatient, selfish, fearful, prone to irritation and annoyance. Do i expect myself to come home and be the happy husband that kisses his family and gives them his full attention, and then when i get home find resentment towards myself because i don't feel like i expect I'm supposed to feel? Yeah. I'm that guy. I'm the addict that wants to pretend to be the perfect husband and priesthood holder. The only difference is i can work on myself. I can't work on others.
   Our expectations and reality are always at odds. Anyone who goes to Disneyland understands this. (I thought the castle would be a lot bigger) doesn't mean we all won't enjoy our time there. It just means we expected something different. For an addict we depend so much on our fantasy for emotional stability and when reality shows us how wrong we are, we resent the true.
   It makes me think back on my whole life and the resentments i had for people. That had to manifest in how i interacted with people and that's something i didn't think about with step 4.
   And these expectations can be negative too. When I'm feeling anxious or stressed, my world goes upside down. Mrs. Mouse turns into the wicked witch, whose only goal in life is to accuse, attack, and try and perform inception on me so that i kill myself with depression, thinking it was my idea when it's really hers. When I'm in that frame of mind SHE'S the addict and I'm the humble husband trying to recover. And my kids are secretly TRYING to destroy my life. No one likes me and everyone at church points at me behind my back and calls me filthy and unclean. (Even writing this I'm thinking, "well that probably IS true." Haha)
   So what do we do? When that panic starts rolling in like a broken record playing scratchy noises, before we act on the resentment that our great expectations have turned into. Take a time out. Go into your bathroom, splash child water in your face, take deep breaths, look yourself in the mirror and say, "this has nothing to do with anyone else but myself. It's about me," and then tell your wife your having a panic attack. (Because that's what it is. The flight or fight response before we turn into the hulk and smash everything) call or text someone or someones. Vulnerability is the answer. Instead of trying to run from the impending doom, instead of attacking it with tooth and nail. Be vulnerable, fall down on your knees, bear your chest, and let it kill you. Don't run, don't fight. Let the truth of your feelings be known, and let yourself be run through, gutted, eviscerated, because that will always be better for us than being acted upon by the shock of failed expectations and resentments.
   Death is better than picking up that sword if picking up that sword means there's the slightest tiniest chance of helping your addiction in any way.
   Isn't it?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Recovery: Being Born Again

So here is something i hear alot about from other addicts and the spouses of addicts pertaining to the "no slips in recovery" argument:
-"I don't agree with the no slips in recovery because it's demoralizing."
-"The addict feels like they have to be perfect, which makes them feel hopeless."
-"They won't try because it seems impossible"
There's more, but they come to the same types of conclusions.
Now, I'm not in recovery. I'm not close to being in recovery. I've got a little over 9 months of sobriety. So i can't tell you what someone in true recovery can tell you. I've never experienced life at that level. I can say that while I've believed this, (that there are no slips in recovery) my sobriety has been the longest ever, and the people i know in the different sex addiction programs, some of them my good friends, who believe that slips are ok, maintain a few weeks of sobriety at a time.